Monday 26 October 2015

Kaohsiung 15Oct2015 to 20Oct2015 - Day 5 Alishan

Wake up at 2.45am to fresh up before going to eat breakfast.  We are supposed to leave the minsu at 4am. But we departed 10 minutes late. It is our fault for not getting ready in time. Due to our mistake, we are unable to purchase the train ticket up the mountain. They have limited tickets for those people in walk. Most people stayed in Alishan park itself would have booked their train ticket the previous day. Sigh.

No choice, that ZhuShan Mountain is only accessible by train. Our driver brought us to another mountain and the view is no good. There are some other tourist who did not manage to purchase the ticket also end up at this mountain.

It was cloudy that day the sunrise did not turn up. We took the car back to Alishan park to walk around the area. Ms Yu has recommended a abandon track for us to walk. And it is 1.6km in and 1.6km out. We walked I guess 1 hour. That track really no other people walk. We have the track all to ourselves.

My aunts were tired and they do not want to explore other parts of the park. So we head back down to the minsu to return jacket as my cousin n aunt did not bring any jacket and it will be cold at the top of the mountain.

On the way toward Chaiyi Train Station, we stopped by to capture some photos.

We took a train back to Kaohsiung. Our Dinner at LiuHe Night Market.

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