Tuesday 19 January 2016

Taiwan 30Dec2015 to 03Jan2016 - Day 2

Simple breakfast provided by minsu. The view from dining area is awesome.

Mr Sun picks us at 930 to send us straight to Beacon Hotel at Taichung. Before heading Taichung, we stopped by Old England for 10 minutes for photo taking.

Car ride is about 2 hours, before i doze off i saw this lovely view in the car and manage to snap a photo.

Beacon Hotel is located inside FengJia Night Market. We dropped our luggage at the hotel reception and we head to Miyaharu 宫原眼科.

宫原 sells  chocolate, sun biscuit, pineapple tart, tea etc. Let’s have lunch at 宫原, the beef with special sauce is savory, scramble eggs with tomatoes and Ice Cream.

一中街 is like our Bugis Street. Clothes and food.

We went back to Beacon Hotel to collect our luggage back to room.


Fengjia Night Market is the biggest night market in Taichung. I am glad our hotel is right inside FengJia Night Market. We packed the food back to hotel to eat.

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