Friday 15 January 2016

Taiwan 30Dec2015 to 03Jan2016 - Day 1

Midnight flight by Scoot to TaoYuan Airport. We were seated at the last row of the plane. I can hear people flushing the toilet and staff in the kitchen area talking non-stop even they talk softly. Next time do not choose the seats right at the back.

The plane landed at around 5.45am, by the time we clear custom it would be around 6 plus. We need to wait till 8am for the telephone company to be opened to buy SIM card. Meanwhile I settled my breakfast at the airport food court. There is a food court at the departure hall level B1. Due to the timing, the food court has minimum stall open. I have century eggs porridge.

Taiwan mobile SIM card 5 days unlimited internet access and I think NT300 worth talk time, at NT500. From arrival hall level B1 take 705 UBus to Taoyuan High Speed Railway Station (HSR). 

We bought the standard cabin seats from Taoyuan HSR to Taichung HSR, NT515 as there is a promotion rate. We have seats assigned to us. There is a small compartment in the cabin for passengers to place luggage.

As we will be traveling outside of Taichung, we booked a driver to bring us around; this will be much easier compare to taking the bus at scheduled timing. I whatsapp Mr Liu 886-927888032 and informed him the places I would like to visit and he provided the suggested route and added in some more places which is along the way. Once the Itinerary is confirmed Mr Liu whatsapp me the receipt indicating the places we will be going and the price.  He sent his friend Mr Sun 孙先生 to be our driver.  Mr Sun is friendly, knows the places well and the car is well maintained.

First stop is元首館 King Garden. King Garden is nicely decorated, good for photo taking and in the building they are selling goodies which we can buy some as souvenir. I bought the almond nougat.  Do visit the toilet which is specially designed.

Next stop is 纸寮. They provide free guided tour to show how paper was made in the old days. Handmade paper cost more than machine made paper. That street used to have a number of handmade paper factories, however due to low demand in handmade paper, most factories has closed. This factory we visited is one of those that manage to survive.  They have session teaching people how to make their own paper from scratch. Due to time constrain, we did not make our own paper.

This is an edible paper? Yes!!!   Crispy.

Lunch time, Mr Sun brought to 蘇妈妈汤圆 to eat 卤肉饭。This traditional meal looks simple but it is wonderful.

Feeling 18 degree Chocolate Factory, is well known for their Ice Cream and Chocolate. Many people will have this place in their itinerary when they visit CingJing as it is along the way.

It is about an hour drive from Puli to Cingjing, I dozed off in the car. Our 1st stop in Cingjing is 小瑞士花園 Swiss Garden. Greenery, mountain in background and a clear blue sky make photo look picturesque.

青青草原the sheep roaming around freely. They only come to you if you buy food to feed them. Eee. I try to go near them without food they wander off.  Look where you walk, the sheep are not toilet trained, the poos are everywhere.

Remember to stamp your hand when you enter 青青草原as that stamp enable you to visit 觀山牧場 further down. Walk over to觀山牧場, there is performance at 3.45pm where Mongolians riding on horses and perform stunt.

My friend bought some goat milk face mask and I bought the sheep milk candy uniquely available at the 青青草原.

Our minsu Dreamtown 嵐山小鎮 in Cingjing is about 5 minutes ride from青青草原. During winter, the sun will set around 5.30pm, without the sun weather turn from cool to cold. We booked steamboat dinner our Minsu, NT280/pax. Dining time is from 6 to 8pm, the dining area will be closed after 8pm.

After dinner, we walked about 400m down the road to a 7 eleven. Along the way there are a few eateries, this information is good for those whose minsu do not have dinner.

It is cold at night, I think is about 10 degree or lesser. The bed is equipped with heater which we can adjust the heat level. Good Night.

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