Thursday 16 April 2015

Day 4 Bangkok - 09Apr15 to 13Apr15

As we have been sleeping after midnight, on the 4th day we ask the driver to pick us up at 10am instead of 8am. 

We are going to The Grand Palace. 1st see so many tour buses! Uncountable, mostly visitors from China. Please wear proper attire if not you have to borrow some sarong and scarf to cover and the queue to borrow stuff is long. Photo taking is so difficult as there's bound to have people walking into your photo. Temple structure and Palace are grand.

At 1pm we are hungry. Lets have lunch at Chatuchak market and follow by shopping. there are so many small lanes and shops. We only walk  the main lane and there are a lot of stuff : utensils, photo frames, pet dog, clothes, sunglasses, home decor and water gun! It is eve of Songkran, some people are geared with water guns shooting each other. Please don't shoot me, I don want to get wet. So i walked the side to avoid the shooting in the middle of the road. I read from some where the Chatuchak is opened at weekend from 6am and 6pm. For those who like to shop, Please give more time for this place as it is huge. 

Next stop, we went to RCA Plaza to play Go Kart. THB550 for 8 mins. 6 of us raced. It is fun and my arm aching after trying hard to steer the car. 

Dinner at Cabbages and Condoms. hee hee... it is a theme cafe...and from the name you can guess related to condoms. look at the santa's clothes is made by putting a lot of condoms together. Dinner is ok. After we billed, our souvenir is ....

After dinner, we went across the road to Terminal 21, to take photo of the toilets. Sound crazy right. Every floor there is a theme and the toilet is nicely decorated. Thumb up for that effort.

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