Monday 2 September 2013

Homemade Snowskin Mooncake

Mid-Autumn Festival is just around the corner. Decide to try and made Snowskin mooncake, with the main filling as White Lotus Paste.

Snowskin (Greent Tea) White Lotus Paste with Melon Seeds
Snowskin (Charcoal) White Lotus Paste with dried Cranberries
Snowskin (Red Dragonfruit) White Lotus Paste with Black Sesame

Ingredients (To make approximately 12 pieces of small mooncake:
100g Snowskin Rice Flour
70g powdered sugar
30g shortening
200g of White Lotus Paste
100ml water

Snowskin (Greent Tea) White Lotus Paste with Melon Seeds
1 Teaspoon of Green Tea Powder
35g of Melon Seed

Snowskin (Charcoal) White Lotus Paste with dried Cranberries
1 Teaspoon of Charcoal
35g of Cranberries

Snowskin (Red Dragonfruit) White Lotus Paste with Black Sesame
1 Piece of RED DragonFruit (placed in water to get the color)
35g of Black Sesame

Sift the flour and sugar into a big bowl. Add in the shortening and rub till shortening dissolve. Add in green tea or charcoal powder depend the skin color you wanted. 

Slowly add in the water and knead the dough till all the flour incorporated into the dough. Let the dough let for 20 mins

Take the White lotus Paste and mix with the sub fillings (Melon seeds, dried cranberries, black sesame powder) you wanted. Form ball shape of approx. 18g.

After 20mins, knead the dough a few more times and form ball shape approx 22g. Some website suggest the portion as 1/3 skin, 2/3 fillings. But I cannot use this formula as the skin will tear and break before I can place it in the mould. So I decide to use aprox 1:1. 

Flatten the dough and place the fillings in it and wrap fillings. Dust the mould with some flour and place in the dough and press.

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