Wednesday 18 September 2013

Homemade Almond Milk

It is wonderful to have homemade food. Some people will say why so “Leceh” (Leceh is troublesome in Malay), why not buy from supermarket? Well, you get to control the ingredient to put into the milk and maybe a sense of pride. **GRIN**

1 cup of Almonds
5 cups of water
1 vanilla pod (optional)
1 teaspoon of Agave Nectar (optional)

Soak the almonds in 1 cup of water for overnight

Next day, drain away the water and rinse the almonds. Pour the almonds and 4 cups of water into the blender. If you prefer thick almond milk, reduce the water to 3 cups. Blend for about 2 minutes till the almonds become very fine.

Strain the mixture with a cloth, I used the cloth meant for coconut.

Give the cloth a squeeze.

 Here is the Homemade Almond Milk. You can add in the vanilla pods, cacao powder and agave nectar for flavoring. Enjoy!

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