Monday 18 August 2014

Flavored Eggs - Lava eggs

I love to eat ramen and the lava egg. Some ramen shops selling the eggs at SGD2.00!!!
Why so expensive???

Make my own, after reading a posting from ieatishootipost. His eggs soaked for 1 week. I soaked mine for 5days. Eee...edible?? Put inside refrigerator should be fine to eat.

Other than it look a bit ugly as the egg white stuck on to the shell while peeling.

1. Put in the eggs into the boiling water and let it boil for 6mins
2. After 6 mins, immediately take out the eggs and soak them in ice water
3. Remove the shell and set asde.
4. Boil the sauce of your preference, i used 2 tablespoon dark soya sauce, 2 tablespoon light soya sauce, some white pepper powder, 5 spices powder, a pinch of salt and 1 tea spoon of brown sugar.
5. Let the sauce cool down then put in the eggs to soak. The sauce should cover the whole egg.
6. Put into the refrigerator for number of days - 3 to 5 days.

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