Tuesday 23 September 2014

Penang Buffet at Princess Terrace – Copthrone King’s Hotel

My friend loves to look at groupon and deal website for discounted price buffet. Muahahah. She come across this deal for Penang Buffet at Copthorne King’s Hotel. SGD38.40 for weekend lunch instead of normal price SGD51.00

It is great for people who don’t fancy International Buffet with cold seafood station. The place does not look big and the spread is not a lot. For SGD38 I think it is quite worth to eat but I don’t think I am willing to spend SGD51.

Here are some of the dishes that are quite good. Kuehs, Apam with the banana sauce, Crispy pancake, Popiah, fried chicken, pig stomach soup, Teh Tarik (you have do the Tarik yourself).

Food that is kind of disappointing: Beancurd – sort of grainy, powdery. Otah – watery type, cos it is steamed, I prefer the BBQ type.

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